Wayne Ball & Laska:
As far as treats, our kiddos didn't like any of the various treats, which they
like or even love now, at first - with the exception of Ferretone which
they are little junkies about. ("I need my fix...BAD!") Sometimes a 2nd or
3rd try at something may do the trick. They can get set in their ways
and [dis]likes pretty easily. Ours like/love melon, raw veggies (like green
pepper, carrots, zuchini, mushrooms, etc.), strawberries, apples, just about
any fruit really, crackers, bread, cereal... We stay away from things with
tons'o refined sugar, dairy products, etc. We also cut/break the goodies into
really small bits for them....no reason to have them get a whole raisin or
anything else stuck inside them.
I figure that a little vegetable/fruit occasionally isn't going to hurt
them. A falconer I saw once said, she makes sure her hawks "get their
veggies" since they would be getting "veggies vicariously" in the wild
from prey animals like rabbits, mice, etc. because internal organs like
stomachs and intestines would be consumed. Although ferrets and hawks are
very different, they are both carnivores and I imagine a little of the same
could hold true.
To those beer drinking ferrets:
Shhhhhh! The Union will hear and will demand that as well! :) What is it
with alcohol anyways? I've known more than one animal that freaks for the
smell and taste of alcohol -they try to help themselves to it - *especially*
beer. Now ferrets too! Wasn't there a ferret trying to get a cigar in
yesterday's issue?? Drinking, smoking.....what's next, leather jackets,
motorcycles, and loud music? This Union is a *BAD* influence!
Melanie Wellington:
Welcome to Rochester, NY! There is a ferret club in Rochester. It is the
Western NY and Finger Lakes Ferret Association (WNYFLFA). Since you mentioned
maybe getting a fuzzbean or two, you may want to check them out.
Fitch (of Abercrombie and Fitch):
Way to go, Fitch! You little fighter you! (the theme from Rocky plays....)
-kim, mike, Squirt (Black leather jacket and pants, black Raybans, a motorcycle,
        and the song "Bad to the Bone"  -  it's the Squirtinator),
and Pippi (the lead singer of the punk band the "Socks Pistols" with their smash
        hit "God Save the Socks")
Kimberly Burkard        |              _    Everything I needed to know in life
Xerox, Rochester, NY    |       _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
[log in to unmask] |  ____/     \___/  Dance for joy often. Play often.
[log in to unmask] <____/\_---\_\    Be determined in your ventures.
[Posted in FML issue 1148]