Dr Williams,
Mandy, my 7 1/2 yo ferret, was dx'd with insulinoma 9/94.  She has beenon
pred, 1/8 tab (5 mg tab) bid since then, and BGs have been stable at 130.
She sleeps alot.  She only stays up for about 10 minutes and then wants to
sleep all the time.  Weight is good and she eats well; she hasn't had a
seizure since 9/94, but doesn't seem to do well on pred itself.  Her abdomen
has gotten pudgy (lower abdomen) and her breathing is heavy.  My vet says
the pred is released through the lungs which is why she does that, but I
don't like seeing her do it.  I'm considering surgery and wonder if you
think this is a good idea.  My vet is really careful with anesthesia and he
does use iso....I'm worried about putting her through that at her age, but
I keep reading on the FML how you think surgery is better than meds.  I've
tried cutting pred back to 1x day, but then she gets all floppy on me when
I do that.  Her lymph nodes are still enlarged and he is concerned about
that as well.  We sent you a LN on her in 11/94 and you said is was negative.
This is the ferret that had the positive tail tumor I sent to you as well
(cordoma? I think you said).  Panels have been ok; liver studies are somewhat
elevated but he said that was normal for her age. I think I sent you a copy
of blood work as well.  Any advice?  (My vet said he's going to call you.)
Her urine output has been rather high lately, which I assume is the pred.
Debbie Riccio
[Posted in FML issue 1148]