Hi everyone!
Snowflake, Pepper and I (Daphne) hope everyone is OK.  We are really excited
to find other ferret lovers.  I guess I've just got a couple of questions:
1) I bathe Snowflake and Pepper with ferret shampoo about once a week but
they still keep scratching and biting themselves a lot.  I don't see any
fleas on them and I don't know if it's mites.  Can anyone help?  I can't
bear to see them so uncomfortable.
2)  Pepper is about two and a half years old but she has never outgrown the
biting stage.  She won't bite me or my husband but if anyone else puts their
hands near her---CHOMP!  What can I do?
I also found an article about a new ferret magazine "Modern Ferret" that
just came out.  The Jan/Feb issue run was only of 3000 so I am still looking
for a copy.  I've contacted the editors and I'll keep you posted about the
[Moderator's note: The editor has been know to read the FML.  BIG]
--Daphne, Pepper, Snowflake
[Posted in FML issue 1148]