Okay, I think the idea of protest has gone to Adhemar's head.  For the
past week they have been spoiled, in that I've been home writing essays
and so they have been out of their cage from 9am to 12am and sleeping
everywhere they want.  However, today I had to go to the library and so
they didn't get out of their cage until 5pm.  Well, if Adhemar didn't
prove himself to be the bolshevik!  He came up to me and bite me!  And
boy did it smart!  So I picked him up and told him that I really didn't
appreciate his attitude.  As soon as I put him down he went for me again!
But I was ready that time and caught him in my grasp before he could
"lodge his protest" (so to speak).  But did this stop him?  No!  He was
turning his head like crazy to get at my fingers.  So I decided that the
fascist approach was the only route possible and locked him up in his
cage.  Idefix didn't seem to mind at all.  ( I guess Adhemar had been too
much for him that day too!) Usually Idefix goes up to the cage and tries
to free him.  So after a bit I let him back out and I guess I crushed his
bolshevik spirit, because he was much nicer afterwards.  No bites!  Then
the guys came into my room while I typed my essay and slept at my feet.
(THis is surprising since my guys will sleep in the couch over any other
        So in closing, I think this union thing has turned Adhemar
into a bit of a revolutionary. Okay, sure he didn't get to nip me
that third time, but he made his point. Next time he goes to the
library with me!
ps our guys are thinking of a philosophical tone for our union,
ferret free thinkers, "I steal, therefore I am a ferret."
[Posted in FML issue 1146]