I absolutely agree with Bill Killian on this one.  As a breeder, I strongly
urge new owners of my kits NOT to descent.  Although most of the ferret
farms including Marshall Farms and Path Valley descent their kits before
shipping to pet stores, I know that Marshall does not recommend descenting
older ferrets.  Surgery is more difficult and recovery longer when ferrets
are older - even just a few months old.
And it's not really necessary.  ALL animals have anal glands - even dogs
and cats will express their anal glands when hit by a cat, attacked by
a strange animal, or severely frightened.  As Bill said, it dissapates within
a minute or two and then is gone.  It's not like a skunk spray that hands
whoops - hangs - with you forever, and it's not directed at your like a
skunk.  Neutering is what makes the difference.
Unfortunately, several years ago before I was wise to the ways of this info,
I had 2 of ferrets descented.....and re-descented.....and re-descented.  Some
vets don't have a handle on the procedure.  This one didn't.  In fact everyone
I know who had ferrets done by him had to be re-done.  If you leave one
little smidgen of tissue inside, it's enough to keep producing secretions
only now the secretions don't have a complete sac to enter in to, and a
cyst forms.  I learned my lesson the hard way and when someone asks me
about descenting now, I strongly urge them to forget it.....
Some kits blow bombs during their early months....it's kind of like sowing
wild oats.  They do grow out of it as they grow older.  I have 7 undescented
ferrets and they are all well-behaved unless they get in a serious spat with
a sibling, but blowing a bomb is a rare thing these days.
One more thing:  I feel there's an additional safety measure in not descenting.
When animals don't feel one, they tend to stop grooming themselves.  This
makes them smell like they blew a bomb.  I have found this to be a great
way to indicate if a ferret is coming down with something - when they stop
grooming and start to smell a little bit.  It's too early in the AM - too
many typos....when they don't feel WELL, I meant to type, not ONE!!
Debbie Riccio
[Posted in FML issue 1146]