To any DVM.
I have a 3.5 yo marshall farms male ferret.  About 3 months ago I
thought I found a mast cell tumor behind his left front limb.  I had
the vet check it and, because it had a hair growing in the middle of
it and the fact that it seemed to be regressing, we watched it
disappear over a course of several days without treatment other than
keeping it clean.  Tonight I found the exact same thing, same
location, same appearance except for the hair.  Typical mast cell
lesion this time--scab, circular, very slightly raised and thickened.
here's my question.  If we remove it, I know the incidence of
recurrence is high.  If we don't, what are the possible consequences?
I have come to understand that these tumors are invariably benign.
However, if they aren't and can/may metastasize, then removal should
be immediate, of course.  I guess I would like to know, do you
recommend, in all circumstances other than poor health, etc, that
surgical removal is the only course of action, and the best?  Thanks.
Amy Cada
[Posted in FML issue 1146]