I love to take my kids places... but mostly those places are
friends' houses, the pet supply stores, the vet (Beckett: "Mom!! the VET
doesn't COUNT!! We HATE the VET!"), and outside to the park or something. I
have been known to sneak them when they're younger to other places like the
movies, restaurants, the grocery store... my question, does anyone STILL
take their kids out? I mean, once they're older? I would love to tote
Beckett or Max.3 to run some errands with me (Applejuice: "Hey, Mom! What
about ME?!", Me: "Juice, if you would control your nipping of strange
fingers...", Applejuice: "Aw heck"), I just don't know what reaction I'll
get from Albertson's stockers, or WalMart's cashiers. Any experience in this?
Oh, and thank you to Chris Weiman for noting that there ARE exceptions to
the stereotypical mall pet-stores. :)
And to Scott, no, you cannot have one of my babies. :) But you can come play
with them...
Beckett, Max.3 and Applejuice--Can we see the kittens now? Please, can we?
[Posted in FML issue 1145]