To Thomas re tail fluffing:  my five babies fluff their tails whenever they
get excited, especially after they have a bath.  I would imagine they would
fluff as well if they ever got scared, but since they are fearless, that has
not yet happened.
To Susan Meyers:  I feel you are way off base regarding Casper.  My fifth
child (Taz) was the "pet" of a 13 year old boy who fell in love with my
ferrets when they met, so Dad ran out and bought him Taz.  After 3 months the
kid wanted a dog instead.  Taz is now my pet and will remain my pet.  How can
you think to compare a ferret with a car, house or computer?  There is
absolutely no comparison, and I was alarmed to read such words.  Casper
belongs where he is right now, and it is not Kevin's job, or Casper's, to
educate the heartless people who just gave him away like yesterday's
newspaper.  Kevin, please listen to the majority and keep Casper where he is.
 Love is something you cannot teach some people, so please don't try.  Judi
[Posted in FML issue 1144]