First, to Gail: Speaking as the mother of 5, believe me when I say that 3 is
better than 2, regardless of their personalities.  Eventually they will all
keep pace with each other.  Even if one sleeps more and requires more of your
attention, then the active little girl will have a playmate.  I would have 50
if I could.  All of mine are males and just wonderful, but I "babysit" for
females and I find them to be quite similar.  A ferret is a ferret is a
ferret.  Good luck with your decision.
To Heather: My guys (except for one) HATE raisins, but have you considered
putting a bunch of them in a mini-food processor (Black & Decker makes an
inexpensive one that really mashes up the food.  I pulverize onions, garlic
etc. in mine, and I think it could really make a paste out of raisins.  Just
a thought.
Wayne:  Re your outdoor deck -- PLEASE BE CAREFUL.  One of my sister's cats
got stranded under the deck in our back yard last summer and lost her
bearings and couldn't get out. We had to lure her to a certain spot and tear
up some boards to rescue her.  Due to the inquisitiveness of our little guys,
I wouldn't even risk it.  Plus, you never know what may be lurking beneath a
deck.  We had a family of racoons living under ours one year.  Please be
To Gary Kaskel:  I must have missed your info re the Big Apple Legal Fund,
and I'm not wealthy but would like to help.  Knowing New York, I firmly
believe it is the perfect locale for a pet ferret, due to apartment size,
etc.  If I can help with any computer work or phone calls, please let me
know.  In the meantime, I'll try to send a small donation (if VISA doesn't
deplete my paycheck next week!)
I'm sure everyone was absolutely disgusted about the Michigan murder (and
that's what it is) of that poor baby.  Since ferrets have been legalized, how
could this have been permitted?  Is it because there is no actual rule, as
you mentioned, regarding adoption of ferrets or is it just a terrible
shelter?  It made me absolutely sick to my stomach, and if a letter from a
New Yorker would help way out there in Michigan, I'd be glad to write one.
Also, did you all read about the judge in Maryland who quarantined the little
girl's ferret for 30 days after it nipped her girlfriend at a slumber party?
 After the 30 days of quarantine he then decided to kill it anyway, to test
it for rabies (which was negative).  This was the lead article in the AFA
bulletin I just received.  I am DEFINITELY writing a "nice little note" to
that judge.  Meanwhile a 12 year old girl had her heart broken.  Some people
just do not belong in the human race.
Have a good weekend, ferret people - Judi
[Posted in FML issue 1144]