We don't need no steeenkeeng ferrets!
Sorry. :P
Really, I have a male and female, both deeverythinged (except for claws,
heck it doesn't put me out to keep their claws trimmed)... and my friends
have described their scent as "honey". Or, a very light musk perfume. (I
tried to smell my sleeping ferrets, but they didn't smell like popcorn...
as one poster here suggested.  Actually they were so cute that I
got distracted from smelling. :) )
I only bathe them once every few months, but I change their bedding about
once a month. In my experience, what smells is the bedding. And if you
happen to carry a bit of ferret scent with you, think of it as awfully
inexpensive musk perfume! ;)  I never notice their scent on me, and
neither have friends.
obcutestory: Ivanova was trying to get onto the couch. She has never been
able to, but for some reason this day she was persistent. She stretched
herself out fully, her nose nearly reaching the top of the couch, and
leaped upwards with all her strength. She missed and fell straight
backwards... right on top of her teddy bear! There was a look of "So YOU
were the one who's been pulling me down all the time!" and she leapt at
the stuffed toy, wrestling it and shaking it until it had learned its
lesson.  Then she did a victory dance and came over to see why the big
human was laughing so hard.
[log in to unmask]  University of Saskatchewan Computing Services
[Posted in FML issue 1122]