The bill to legalize ferrets in MA was reported favorably out of joint
legislative committee and now moves to the House for vote.  This is the
furthest any attempt has gotten and the prospects look good,  There was no
opposition at the hearing from anyone present.  It's time to write to the
state reps. for their support in the general vote.
There was a good showing of owners (but nobody owned up) and interested
parties at the hearing, including the stalwart ferret allies from NH, Dick
and Joan Bossart.  Thanks to all that came.  I spoke with one of the bill's
sponsors before the meeting, Rep. Brad Jones, and he was glad to see the
good turnout.  The MSPCA estimated that there are 5,000 ferrets in the state
now, isn't civil disobedience something?
It is now a race with our friends on the Left Coast to see who can do it
first.  There is a 1page article in the Mar 27 People on Pat Wright from CA.
 He's a leader in their fight and it has a great pic of him and three
fugitive beasts eating Hagen Daz.  At least check it out while waiting at
the checkout.
       Til next time .....Rudy the ferlosopher
[Posted in FML issue 1143]