Anonymous writes:
> On the temperature susceptibility thing:
>     The problems if you all are correct:
> 1)  I have to find a northern out-of-state shelter for my guys pronto.
> 2)  Legalizing the buggers in CA would be tantamount to ferretcide.
> 3)  Most US ferret owners will have to move to Canada, 'cause it gets a
>     hell of a lot hotter than 80 here, and summer's comin'.
You're right.  I think the problem is particular with cars, and with no
air circulation.  I've had ferrets in NJ and in CA, with an outdoor cage
(in the shade) in CA.  Neither place did they have air conditioning.  In
both places, it can get **hot** in the summer - well over 80 degrees.
None of mine died from the heat.
Tigger (Grace Sylvan)
[Posted in FML issue 1143]