Planes:   I have to agree with the anon poster who said that he
agrees with ferrets not being allowed on planes. If a ferret got loose,
it could be mayhem. Much more than a dog or cat. Why should they have too
risk it when there aren't even that many of us who would ever want to fly
ferrets anyway.
       Hot ferrets:
                  Moving to Canada won't solve your problems unless you
want to go up north to the boonies. I'm as worried about the hot weather
as you yanks (well except those in Texas.). There's a reason why everyone
who can afford it in Toronto has an air-conditioner. In fact there were
plenty of days last year in the high 20's (C). To top it off, the ferrets
will be confined to an upstairs room, because my sister has the basement.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
     Iain Nesbitt                [Graphics Not Availlable]
  Peterborough,Ont or
* * * * * * * * * * * *
[Posted in FML issue 1143]