Hi Everybody! I have been reading the ferret list for about 2 weeks, and
already I have learned a lot. Today I have a little concern of my own:
Recently one of our ferrets discovered his taste for beer. My husband
left his beer glass unattendet on the table for just a minute or so. When
he came back, our male ferret had not only tipped the glass over, he was
standing in the puddle of beer and was drinking it. Even since this
happened, whenever my husband has a glass of beer, Fender (the ferret) is
all over him begging to get his share. Is it save to let him have a
couple of licks once in a while, or should we rather not give in? Thanks
for any suggestions.
Heike & J.D.  and our Babies Bianca & Fender
[Posted in FML issue 1143]