tle---You might want to proceed with caution in regards to the fennec
fox.  For starters, they're captive bred but not domesticated (like our
carpet sharks).  They are a North African species of fox that has
recently made inroads in the pet trade.  They are hunters by nature
(small mammals, lizards, some insects).  I confess that I am, in general,
leery of keeping exotics as pets. Although I'm sure they can be _tame_, I
wonder about keeping them w/ferrets.
Ferret Union:  Uh, guys, I'm scared.  It's bad enough that I've had to
surrender my socks, go without water on my nightstand, and make covers
for the plant pots.  All this talk of a Union and I see myself forced to
build a ferretone fountain in the living room.  If this gets out, we're
all doomed.
RE the sock exchange:  Great idea, but my critters won't go for it.  I've
tried to "provide" socks that they could steal---nothing doing, if I
provide them then it's not a theft.  The Union would have a fit if they
found out socks were being taken without being stolen.
Eric Sampson
[Posted in FML issue 1143]