Thanks Rudy the ferlosopher for your intelligent discourse on "heat and
temp".  I agree.  Thanks Chris Weiman for being the only one (that I have
seen) who came up with a wonderful idea.  That thing with keeping a milk jug
full of frozen water in the cage for outings on hot days is great.  It will
take much courage for me to try that with my next little frit and I think
when/if I do I shall sit and watch for the first signs of panting...
Hopefully someone else will try that before I have to....
Anyway, as I said before, thank you everyone for your sympathy which helped.
 Special thanks to my loyal fellow austinite, Anna Adam, even though she
would not give me one of her babies 8-).
P.S.  A new literary arts magazine called "Entelechy" is coming out at the
end of April with a story I wrote and dedicated to Toons.  Anyway, this mag
is in its struggling infancy so if you get a chance, pick it up...also my
web page has a couple comics starring
Toons...""  Again, thanks for all the people are great.
[Posted in FML issue 1143]