Well I've enjoyed reading the FML since recently becomming a subscriber.
I like to print it out and read it in the bath before I go to bed. The
humorous stories are my favorites but unfortunately what happened today
was far from funny.
Seven days ago our county animal shelter was called out to pick up a stray
ferret.  The guy was running around loose in the city.  I went down to the
shelter to look at the stray, (a neutered male sable with an excellent
temperment) and I asked the director what her plans were for the fuzzy
founding.  Since ferrets had only recently been legalized here in Michigan
policy regarding thier adoption was not written.  She cited the fact that our
local health department considers them "wild" and a "risk for rabies" as a
major consideration in her deciding what the fate of this ferret would be.
Fortunately a Veterinarian that works for the animal shelter asked to adopt
the foundling.  I thought the matter was settled and was working on gathering
information to present to the director of the shelter in helping her decide
what policy regarding ferrets would be.
Last night I received a call from a shelter employee telling me the
ferret was scheduled for euthanasia in the morning. I called the Vet who
wanted the ferret and we decided to put major pressure on the director to
stay the execution for a few more days.
This morning I called the director as soon as the shelter opened and had
a long discussion with her regarding this ferret, telling her bluntly
that I disagreed with her decision to euthanize this animal. She was
polite as could be.
I also called our local paper and advised them as to what was going on.
The director ordered the kennel manager to euthanize the ferret as soon
as she got off the phone with me, you should have seen the smoke roll out
of my ears when I got the call informing me of that.
I haven't heard from the paper yet but have an appointment to see the
head of public health (the director's boss) on monday. We've also put
plans in high gear to establish our clinic as a rescue group for ferrets.
Well I'll keep you all informed as to what happens but I'm still kicking
myself for not grabbing that ball of fur and making a run for it, he would
have fit so nicely into my medical bag too.
Michael M. Phelps DVM
Coit Animal Clinic
Grand Rapids MI
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[Posted in FML issue 1142]