Hi All -
Regarding Casper - don't give him back.  If they are willing to buy a
ferret for you they can just go out and buy one for them (although I'd
rather see them not - they are not responsible enough to care for a
ferret).  Think of Casper's welfare.
Does anyone know if ferrets and Fennec foxes get along?  I'm looking into
maybe getting one sometime in the future but want to make sure they will all
get along.  The size is similar and the activity level seems to be the same.
Fennec Foxes are little 3 pound domestic foxes and from what I've read make
good pets.  They also use a litter box.  But the ferrets come first and it is
really their decision (that is if I can provide the proper environment which I
think is similar to ferrets and everyone gets along - I'm still researching).
Deafness - Willow is a blaze and he hears just fine, that is when he wants
too.  When I call out his name he always turns toward me.  To test hearing
you can snap your fingers or ring a bell near their ears but away from
their vision and far enough away they don't feel the vibrations.  You can
also do these things from a distance.  Remember thought that ferrets have
"selective" hearing and at times they will hear nothing you want them too.
Some ferrets are obviously deaf, but determining whether they are or not
is the first step.  Some types of behavioral problems may be hearing
related.  Once you know if the ferret is deaf you will be able to work
with them.  If you can't hear - you can't respond to certain things.
O.k. now for a laugh -
A family meeting was called last night.  I won't go in to details but the
conclusion was (and they were serious) that because of the work I do and
the way I feel about ferrets - I am mentally sick.  With family like that
who needs enemies. Anyway I'm happy and proud of my work with ferrets and
because what I do does not conform to their standard they think I'm crazy.
I only brought this up because I know there are others persecuted for their
love of ferrets.  My father actually said "I don't give a #$%^ about those
rats, err ferrets!".  All I have to say is "Thank God I am who I am and I
do what I do".  I'm ferret crazy and I'm proud to admit it! :-)
Hugs to all and Have a wonderful day!  tle
[Posted in FML issue 1141]