Boomerang, one of two ferrets I rescued this past month from being kept for
months in a filthy cage in the corner of a cold and damp garage died
yesterday of respritory failure.  Thank you to all who sent e-mail and FML
postings of support and offers of help.
Boomer's breathing never improved from when I first discovered him with an
acute respritory infection and tonscillitis.  He had taken to hanging by his
teeth from the side of the cage we kept him in to keep his airway open.  An
X-ray taken on Monday showed he had something in his lungs and he had been
scheduled for a bronchial wash proceedure on Friday (our DVM with experience
treating ferrets was concerned he was too weak to survive general
anesthesia).  She had switched antibiotics from amoxicillan to cloromycetin
(25 mg. qid)) and my wife had just given him some medicine and a diluted
solution of Nutri-Cal through an eye dropper.
When he suddenly stopped breathing, my wife tried human to ferret
recessitation, but to no avail.  The DVM performed an autopsy on Boomer today
and found the right lung collapsed with ruptured blood vessels and the left
lung half filled with fluid. Both lungs had lost nearly all their elasticity
and the Vet was suprised he had survived as long as he did.   She also noted
his heart was enlarged, a probable result of poor nutrition (being fed dog
food rather than suitable ferret food) as a kit and adolescent.
Jessie, the second ferret, misses Boomer along with me and my wife, but he
has gained weight, strength and energy over the past two and a half weeks.
 He has stopped shedding and his albino coat has brightened from a dull
yellow to near white.  He is getting along well with my ferret Reno and is
becoming much more sociable and playful (and less fearful) around humans.
I know my recent postings have been uncomfortable and even distasteful to
some readers.  However, even if it only results in one other FMLer taking
action to improve the quality of life for just one fuzzie, it is worth it.
 Again, thanks.
Chuck, Jeannie, Reno and Jessie
[Posted in FML issue 1122]