This is in reply to Rick Lemker's ideas about Toons' death.
Yes, Rick, I thought of many different causes.  Your questions are relevant
and appreciated because we must learn from these events.
I even thought about the termites at the park that I had to pick from Toons'
fur before we left.  I thought, "what if one of those burrowed into her
ears?"  But the facts seem overwhelming in favor of her dying of exposure to
First, it WAS a hot day.  Secondly, since then, many have written me with
stories of the same thing happening.  Finally, Toons was panting a bit when
we left her and since that occurrence I learned why they pant.  I can be
fairly sure she was not stepped on or bitten by the dalmation because I
remember when it was time to leave the park, Toons was running around like a
maniac, having a great time, etc.  Also, her travel cage, although it took
up the entire back seat, was not large enough to let her get to the
floorboard where oil and stuff might be kept (I keep such things in the trunk).
Thank you everyone for your kind letters on and off this newsletter!  Your
sympathies HAVE been much help and I will get another ferret soon!
[Posted in FML issue 1141]