Hi Yall!
        I've been busy so I didn't get to read the FML for a while. I got
caught up tonight.  Whew :-).  I have a bit of a dilemma.  As usual!  The
peole I got Casper from called tonight to say they want him back.  They found
out that I had him neutered and that he doesn't *smell* anymore.  So they
want to pay me for the Vet. bills, and take him back.  I am not real keen on
the idea of giving up a new found friend.  Everyone in my house has fallen
for casper, including my 2 year old son David.  He runs to the gate to the
computer room ( Casper's house ) and says 'Caaapper...Capper' and makes the
smooch noise like you do to a dog to get him to come.  My wife is even starting
to like him more ( surprise ).
        My realization is, if they wanted casper all that bad they wouldn't
have gotten rid of him in the first place. Since we have gotten him his fur
has gotten shiny and soft, he no longer smells. I give him the best food I
can afford. (we're going to try the IAMs this week.) He seems altogether in
better health and spirits. Other than one or two incidents, he now uses the
litter box consistently. And he tears the heck out of the computer room :-).
It took special training for that one. Yeah right.
        The people who had him offered to buy us a new kit to replace Casper
if we would give him back. It's been over a month and we don't want to part
with him. Any and all replys would be appreciated.
        Now on a lighter note: I have been meaning to ask this for a while.
I have found only two things that Casper likes as treats, Butter and Pineapple.
Any one have any idea whether I should give either of the to him.
To Scott:
        I read a while back (fyi) that the temperatures inside a car, even
with the windows rolled down an inch or so, can reach in excess of 275
degrees on an 80 degree day. I feel for your loss, and hope it prevents
someone else from having to suffer the way you have.
To anon. Poster.
        I too know of the Computer paper magic trick. Just out of nowhere my
printer runs out of paper, usually in the middle of an important document
that is 300 pages long and isn't supposed to end there.
One more question. My cat has a tendency to come in and use Casper's litter
bax. This apparently does not make my fuzzy very happy, hence he goes in the
corner under my Packard Bell instead. Any suggestions on cat proffing the
ferret litter box.
About the "what me" look. I have seen that one other place. In the eyes of
my two year old son , just after he got done dialing Bangkok, Thailand on
the living room phone.:-)
Sorry this is so long.
Kevin and Casper(fuzzy terrorist!)   //Have you ever not known what you had//
                                    //until it was gone? Then when it came//
 Thanks..ya..da..da..da.da         //back, you find out you really didn't//
                                  //want it in the first place!   <-:   //
[Posted in FML issue 1140]