Find an airline that allows you to take your ferrets onboard, please!
This will be difficult, but try like heck anyways.
If you must have your ferrets go underneath these are my suggestions. Put the
babies in separate cages. Although they will probably be happier together
the chance that they will lose all separate cages is slimmer than them losing
one with all your babies.
Put a padlock on the cages and make sure that the water and food dishes can be
refilled from the OUTSIDE i.e. water bottle on the outside (attached firmly)
and one of those food dispensers that fills up from the outside but the bowl re
aches inside. The airline personnel are supposed to refill water and food if
the traveling is lengthy.
DON'T EVEN THINK about traveling on a warm day!!
Keep in mind airlines usually require a note from a vet verifying the beast's
health (issued within and good for only 24 hours).
You will have to turn your babies in sometimes up to 3 hours before take-off
time and expect delay in picking them up after arrival. MAKE SURE YOU'RE
FLIGHT IS STRAIGHT THROUGH - no complicated layovers and plane changing.
This is one of the most emotionally draining situations i have ever
THEM ON THE PLANE PLEASE! Put them in a carry case that fits under the seat.
We've even hidden ferrets in our shirts to avoid putting them underneath.
I don't recommend this either however, also VERY NERVE WRACKING option.
Whether you carry them on the plane or have them go underneath put collars
with phone numbers on them, label the cages (inside and out), label the cages
again, hang a label off of the handle, label them again. Oh and please don't
forget, label the cages - with every possible phone number and address that
they can reach you at.
Make sure they have lots of towels to bundle up in, as much as heat is a
problem so is the cold.
I'll tell you, with the experiences I've had, NEVER will I let one of my
pets (dog, cat, ferret or otherwise) be treated like luggage by an airline.
I would sooner walk.
[Posted in FML issue 1140]