To Rick re: Arlo and the Incredible Dryer Hose Adventure--
I can just see him now looking up at you with that innocent
expression: "What?"
Which reminds me--I saw someone the other day who had been pulled over
for speeding.  As the officer was writing out the ticket, the guy was
looking up at him like, "What--me?" The odd thing was, I recognized it as
the ferret look of total innocence in the face of being caught in the
act.  There must be a topic for someone's thesis here somewhere --
feigned innocence across the species or something (I think dogs have this
down to a science).
To Sabrina re: unfriendly former neglected ferret.  I agree with other
people's comments, keep picking him up, giving him treats, holding him,
telling him you love him, etc.  I've had Norman (formerly abused) about
10 months now; he is very sweet though still skittish and not really into
being picked up, mushed over, etc., though I do it all the time anyway.
But I realized the other day that he has just started putting his paws on
my leg begging like the other guys do, which I think is a real cause for
celebration.  Also, he doesn't pick on Cinderella so much anymore, so I
am able to keep all 3 of them together most of the time now.  I think it
really just takes time and patience, and when you least expect it, your
little fuzzbean will come around and return your love in the best way he
knows how.  And I'm sure he loves you now, probably just doesn't quite
know how to show it yet.
(Cinderella, Norm & Ralph's mom in Massachusetts)
PS--I just saw "Ferrets Unmasked" with some of the underground
Massachusetts contingent--*great* video--if you haven't seen it yet, it's
really well done; would be very helpful for shelters etc.  to show to
prospective parents to make sure they understand what's involved.  Also
very encouraging to see all those people out there proclaiming the Merits
of Ferrets :-)
[Posted in FML issue 1139]