Dear Linda,
        Thanks for your congradulatory message on my application being
accepted at Tufts.  At my interview my most important question was that
since these popular pets are illegal in this state, how much opportunity
will I have to learn about and work with ferrets at Tufts?  The two vets
who interviewed me responded with surprise that a previous interviewee
had discussed the same subject.  They explained that very little if any
of the curriculum is devoted exclusively to ferrets and other "exotic"
animals but that I could opt to work with an exotics specialist for a
senior project and get experience that way.  They also said that there
were often very ill ferrets seen in the small animal hospital at Tufts,
but they don't treat them on a regular basis.  Ferrets are not given
appointments for vaccinations or check-ups but are seen in case of
emergency.  675 applicants applied for 75 places this year at Tufts vet
school this year.  It was a record number for them.  It was a miracle I
got in!
                        Kari in Mass
[Posted in FML issue 1138]