Re Hooter, Michael Gaither, and the carpet,
Cut a strip of chicken wire and nail it into the carpet with u-nails
right in front of the door (or whatever) into which he's trying to
get.  See the Ferret FAQ.  Voila, no more carpet damage.  I find the
squirt bottle does nothing; Hooter isn't a cat!
Re Selena and walking ferrets,
One of my units walks really well, in fact, after a bit of coaxing,
she walks out in front of me, even better than a dog (no straining and
gagging).  Some ferrets can be walked.  I'm no expert, but I wouldn't
keep a harness on too long -- might irritate the neck and neck fur.
If you walk your units a lot (like I do), be careful of unobservant
little kids running by your units without looking (danger of crushing
your lovely).
Todd Cromwell
Dors (mi novia) and Seldon (el cazador de suen~o)
[Posted in FML issue 1137]