In issue #1119, Lisa, Rob, Goobs, and Picabo wrote:
> course, we always want to play with them, but they would rather go about
> their own business. We let them run loose in a well ferret-proofed room.
> Could it be that we are giving them too much excitiment by letting them
> run around? Or is this something they will grow out of when they get older?
Ferrets are invariably curious about the world and usually would rather
be out running around than sitting still.  However, Squirt, our oldest was
an only ferret for about a year and is much more snuggly with us than
Pippi, who is one year younger than Squirt.
Although, Pippi has become more snuggly and playful with us as she's gotten
older -- especially when Squirt is off sleeping somewhere and doesn't want
to play with Pippi.
I guess it has to do with age, individual personalities, and upbringing.
-- Mike and Kim (the walking ferret playground apparatus)
   Squirt - "Darn it, Pippi, I'm trying to sleep!  Go away before I kick
             your butt!"
   Pippi  - "Play with me, play with me, play with me, play with me..."
Michael C. Burkard        |              _     Dancing Dookers
Xerox, Rochester, NY USA  |       _____C .._.  Delightfully Digging!
[log in to unmask]     |  ____/     \___/   Feisty Fuzzies in a
My opinions only.         | <____/\_---\_\     Frenzied Frollick!
[Posted in FML issue 1120]