Thanks for posting the news on the ferret bill hearing, Dick Bossart!
Please let us know if it is confirmed - I for one will make it a certain
point to be there (even though it will mean taking half a day off of
work!).  Although I can not testify as a vet or a ferret specialist, I am a
degreed and practicing zoologist, so I might have a little credibility with
the folks.
To other MA ferret folks (aka Ferret Local 123??) - the hearing would make
a great place to meet each other and get to know each other a little
better.  How about it?
If anyone has good data on per capita bite rates for ferrets vs dogs and
cats, and data on rabies presence (which could be a major thing with the
racoon scare on), please e-mail them to me at your earliest convenience so
I can have them for the hearing.
And, finally a plea - to all in the area (including reps of ferret groups
in other states who can speak knowledgably) - PLEASE come and testify.
Don't let others do it for you.  As Dick said, its really simple - any
state rep doesn't really care one way or the other about ferrets.  If they
think there are people out there that do, and want them legalized, and we
show them that is not a problem, we will get it.  Otherwise this will just
pass by the wayside once again, and we will be left having to post
anonymously and meet secretly.
Best - Mason, Slinky, and Leila ("Maybe my claws will work to puncture his
tires on Tuesday.  The nerve - legalizing them! Next they'll outlaw
[Posted in FML issue 1136]