To Ed Swartz,
I have had great success with Brewer's Yeast and Garlic.  Several years
ago, I had a terrible flea problem.  Since I am allergic to fleas, it
was something I needed to get under control.  I was going crazy - flea
bites the size half dollars.  I treated my house with Duratrol premise
spray and started giving my dogs BY tablets.
I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, 17 ferrets, and NO FLEAS!!  In fact, I haven't had
fleas since, and since my allergy makes me so sensitive, I'm the first to
know if fleas are in the house!
Another interesting story about BY.  My very first ferret, Mickey, acquired
in '85, developed a horrible skin condition.  3 different vets scraped it,
looked at it under the scope, and couldn't believe it was Demodectic (spell??)
mange.  Nothing I tried work:  antibiotics, tar dips (I refused to do a
Mitaban dip which was suggested several times, but after reading the labe
no way was I going to dip my ferret in that poison), Goodwinol ointment.
Poor Mickey, he developed a crust around his front toes and around his mouth.
I had to scrub it off everyday with a tooth brush (he could have developed
foot rot) and put salve on it.  This went on for months and no one could
help me.  At the time, not really knowing ferret people, I tried the vets
out in Wyoming (Black-footed Ferrets), who suggested trying Vit B12 injections.
That didn't work.
Then Mickey developed insulinoma; I had read in UFO that BY in chicken
baby food helped control insulinoma.  So I gave Mickey 1/8 tsp of BY in CBF
everyday - and guess what??!!  Within 3 weeks his mange cleared up and he
was never bothered with it again!!@!!  BY has B vitamins in it - the injections
we used were weekly; it's possible that the daily dose worked better.
But I am a true believer in BY.  My vet says it works by making the animal
taste unappealing to fleas - he says sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
It won't hurt the animal though, and it's worth a shot.  I've had great
success with it.
BG, I know this is long, hope you don't have to cut any of it!
Debbie Riccio
(BJ, CJ, RJ, Cecil, Libby, Angel, Heaven, Halo, Duss-T, Elliott, Mandy,
Splash - get me off this lamp shade - Squirt, Sprinkle, Hayley, Sydney, & Kelly
[Posted in FML issue 1136]