The recent postings about kids learning to respect animals (and others) from
ferrets make some good points.  However, there are greater lessons that can
be learned from ferrets.  These are attitudes that are sometimes hard to get
from adults.  They certainly can serve well and are taught the best
way.....BY EXAMPLE.
Persistence - Once a ferret gets something in its head, it will not be
denied!  The fiftieth try at something is as vigorous (or more) than the
first.   Let it succeed once and it can never be deterred.   Discouragement
is an unknown concept.  Try and keep them out of cabinets once they get in.
 Put their toys away and see where they are 5 mins. later.   Is this
something I want a child to imitate?  You bet (well not the toy part
Creativity - Some ferrets love to climb.   They try one way and after a few
trys that don't work, they try something different.  No "if I just do more
of what doesn't work, maybe it will."  They also don't obey rules that
nobody said had to be obeyed in the first place.  You can't get up on this
table by climbing on that shelf way over there.  Whoops, I guess you can if
you're gonna include that jump. I've seen some real "Rube Goldberg" ways to
get things done that just amaze me.   Adults especially tend to get locked
into mental sets that constrain creativity.  Kids don't start out that way,
but society can change that.  Ferrets are living proof that it doesn't have
to be that way.
Joy-of-Life -  Ever seen a depressed ferret?  How much Prosaic is Rx'ed for
ferrets?.  Live in the moment?  Find a ferret that doesn't.   Take joy in
the simple things in life (a new plastic bag), no self-help book needed to
point this out.   Worry....what is that?   Is there a better lesson than to
enjoy whatever comes your way?
Tolerance of others  - Play with ferrets of other colors and ages, gotta
love it.   Live with dogs, cats, birds, etc., no problem.  New people
visiting, can't get enough.  Figure out how to have fun with others, that's
my raison d'etre.
This only scratches the surface of  traits that ferrets display that I would
want anybody to learn.   A live-in guru to teach these to your kids would be
invaluable.  Here is how to do it and avoid that Social Security withholding
oversight that can kill your next cabinet nomination.
               'Till next time........Rudy the ferlosopher
[Posted in FML issue 1135]