I had my first bout with real ferret-worry yesterday. My ferrets used to
always get in the couch and tear things up until we took the legs off.
Now they scratch at the outside and try to get in behind the cushion.
Sometimes they can get in when one of us is sitting on the couch - makes
the opening bigger - but we usually hear them scratching their way in
and stop their progress. Yesterday I was sitting on the couch watching
Days of our Lives. I hadn't seen Scooter but had been playing with
Harold. I got up to get ready for work. About 20 mins. later I passed
by the couch to see a furry body laying in between the cushion and their
"couch door." He wasn't moving. It didn't look like he was breathing!
I put my hand down to realize that Scooter's head was in the "doorway"
but his body wasn't. I pushed down on the couch and he MOVED! I pulled
his head out. His chin was wet (slobber?) and he was very weak! His
front legs didn't work for a few minutes. I gave him some food & water
which he ate some. After about 15 minutes, he seemed fine. Brian watched
him the rest of the night while I was gone. I never heard him
scratching! I don't know how long he was stuck! Was he even getting air?
Anyway, I feel terrible! So, to all you who have couch-loving fuzzies,
be careful! I thought my place was ferret-proofed well - I guess they'll
always find something!
(Chris, who helped me adopt Scooter, really - I'm a good ownee!)
Love and ferret-kisses (Scooter's still kissing me so I guess he's not
too mad!)
Stacy, Harold (who's trying to get in the couch now), and Scooter (who
has stayed away from it today)
[Posted in FML issue 1135]