>All of our animals used to tip over the water dish SEVERAL times a day until
>got a water dispenser. It's a big plastic jug that holds a gallon of water
>is tipped upside down into a dish and as the water is used more water comes
>down to replenish the dish. The weight of this thing when it is full of
>makes tipping it prohibitive. The babies still stir the water around in the
Ya know, we use a "constant waterer", too, and although Davey doesn't tip it
per se, he certainly does manage to DRAG it all over the kitchen floor!
 Spilling lotsa water behind him in the process.  I guess the "moving water
theory" is not limited to water that is flowing, but also includes water that
is *traveling*!  8-)
Kelly & Michael,
 and the Feline Furries and Ferret Fuzzies and Fish Furniture
[Posted in FML issue 1134]