The most illness-prone (and accident-prone) of our bunch, Marshmallow, has
itchy skin on his throat. At first we thought Knuks had yanked out some fur
during rough play, but now we realize that he's been scratching. I put some
Neosporin on him last night, because he has irritated the skin. The question
I have is: Is there anything else I can use? Like Lanacaine or something?
He's never had a problem with dry skin. And even now, the skin isn't dry. And
it's only a few hairless patcheson his throat where he seems to be
experiencing some discomfort. He is otherwise completely normal. None of the
other kids has this problem.
We all hope that Fitch is doing better & better.  I had a cat once who was
hit by a car (head injury) & survived just fine. I know that my talking to
her made a difference. I think your talking to Fitch will help him too. We
are thinking of him.
--Mary, Eric & the Four Furry Monsters
PS--We just got back from the vet--Knuks managed to catch a toe on something
in the cage & pulled off most of her nail. I think we were (are) more upset
than she is. Only Knuks could manage to hurt herself on the cage that all the
other critters have lived in for more than two years without mishap.
[Posted in FML issue 1133]