Well, I discovered something new last night!  If your fuzzy friends ever end up
consuming something they shouldn't, you can call your local  children's
hospital for info on toxicology.  I know about the toxicology hotline number,
but supposedly they have the same list as most hospitals (and why pay if
there's no need?)  We came home last night to discover that our dog had decided
to eat/chew on a white-out pen....   the emergency vet suggested we contact the
hospital, and sure enough they had a complete list of all the different brands,
what they contained, etc.  They said that vets call them all the time, as well
as people whose dog's have just eaten something, and that they don't mind.
Obviously, this will vary from hospital to hospital, but its something to keep
in mind....
        (ps - gruag was fine - but her nose has a big white splotch on it
[Posted in FML issue 1131]