My Licker, by Seldon Cromwell
How I deal with the world is,
I get my licker going.
When you come out of the bathtub,
I get my licker going.
When you give me some Ferretone,
I get my licker going.
When Dors is sleeping in front of me,
I get my licker going.
When you're holding me and I want to get down,
I get my licker going.
When someone else is holding me,
I get my licker going.
When I need to groom myself,
I get my licker going.
When the vet does something that makes me uncomfortable,
I get my licker going.
When I need some water,
I get my licker going.
When I find something and I don't know what it is,
I get my licker going.
When I'm having an interesting dream,
I get my licker going.
How I deal with the world is,
I get my licker going.
[Posted in FML issue 1131]