Hello One and All:
    We've got a problem with one of our weasels that I hope somebody
out there at least recognizes.
    Last night my wife woke up to the sound of one of our ferrets
(a neutered male albino named Puck) screaming.  When she got to the cage,
he was stiff as a board and appeared to be having some type of
convulsions; he did not respond at all to being talked to or held.
She took him to the emergency vet (he had another attack en route), who
found no bumps or bites or abdominal swellings; right now they don't
believe it was any kind of poisoning or blockage.  At last report,
our regular vet (who's very good with ferrets) had given him a small
dose of Valium to relax his muscles, and he'd fallen asleep without
ever being very aware or alert.  An x-ray is in the works.
    The symptoms sound to us somewhat like an epileptic seizure of
some type.  Anybody have any other ideas, or suggestions as to what
the vet can look for?