Hello all,
I just had to respond to the person who recommended the self-watering device
that holds about two liters (or more).  Our ferrets had a heavy crock that I
would fill to a VERY shallow level to provide them with water while they were
out playing.  Always Pickle would manage to drag/push the crock and slosh the
water out.  So I bought the waterer.  Pickle had a hey-day diving and playing
in the water.  It lasted a day until I was very tired of cleaning up the water
spills.  Into the closet it went.  When we got Twinkie, he was seperated from
the other ferrets until he could fend for himself (It always amazed me how such
a cuddly ferret like Pickle who never nips could be so vicious to a ball of
fur).  I thought I would try the watering device again as there was no place to
attach a water bottle.  Well, one day I went in to check on him to discover
about an inch of water on the floor!  Twinkie had lapped at the water with his
paw until the entire jug was empty.  I suppose if your ferrets do not do this
then the device is great- but for my ferrets, I am sticking with water bottles!
Introductions of Pretzel are still slow in coming.  He weighs about as much now
as Kit Kat, but she can still easily beat him up.  Twinkie, would rather try to
eat Pretzel through the cage then wrestle with Pickle and Kit Kat.  He even
once caught Pretz by the nose and would not let go.  Pickle and Kat pretty much
ignore him unless they are all out together.  The trials of ferret
introductions!  It amazes me that some of your ferrets accept new additions
without too much difficulty.
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[Posted in FML issue 1130]