To everyone who had a part in helping us through our grief: Erika, Jim,
Bruce, Ronnie and all the rest of you on FML - thank you for your
Shoe was a special little fellow. He was lent to us for a little while so
that we could take care of him and love him until he was needed back.
He would smile  when I smooched him under his chin and neck and he'd hold
real still when I would hold him and cuddle him up by my face and shoulder.
Mike told a half truth about the foot chasing. Half the time what he really
wanted wasn't a raisin. As he got older, and specially during his last few
months, he just mostly wanted to be picked up and cuddled in a nice warm
spot. He loved the attention he got and would fall asleep in Mike's lap
with that nice warm sleep smell rising from his body. We have many, many
fond memories of Shoe and his antics
I find it so hard to read about all the others who have lost their little
"foot-level" friends. I start to cry when I read them because I know what
these little fuzzies can do to one's heart.
My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all who have loved and lost them.
So for now, hugs and smooches to all those soft, warm fuzzies from Shoe's
bereft folks.
Kathy Smith (Mike smith)
[Posted in FML issue 1130]