I'm so glad Frisky is getting better.
To TLE and the refrigerator-raiding fuzzballs: I think those critters
have been watching too many Rocky reruns. Mmmm, raw eggs! I especially
love the part about them standing on the shelves watching things crash to
the floor. I can just see the expressions on their faces -- what, Mom,
we're not doing anything wrong! Ha ha ha ha ha!
On the wording of the California law: It sounds like legislators are
being advised not to allow ferrets to be bred in the state. That's why
they're using the words "import" and requiring them to be fixed. Could
this be the agriculture lobby at work, afraid of feral ferrets
threatening their livestock?
That rabbit-ridin' ferret is hilarious. A free ride -- such a deal!
                Linda, Espie, Frankie, Lucky Charm, and Angel
[Posted in FML issue 1130]