my first ferret used to play a great game of hide and go seek with all
of my nieces and nephews.  I always watched, but, she would race under
a piece of furniture until all the kids were kneeling around it.
Then, she would come charging out between someone's legs to the next
piece.  If the kids didn't follow her soon enough, she would sneak up
to someone and give a little "tag, you're it" nip to get them chasing
her again.  When she had had enough, she would simply lose them.
        Once, my niece broke the rule and picked her up.  I said
"Sunshine will not like this".  Valerie persisted.  (with the extra
latitude afforded aunties and their pets, I looked at my sister and
she just shrugged).  In about a minute, Sunshine struggled a bit, and
hissed a couple of times. "Valerie, she is telling you to put her
down, she doesn't like it!!!"  Sunshine gave her a little nip (did
not break skin, Sunshine hasn't broken skin since her first day home).
Valerie decided that a hiss *really* means "LEAVE ME ALONE"!!
        With very small children, I hold the ferret and watch very
carefully.  I think that one of the things that is deceptive to a
little kid is that, as carnivores, ferrets *play* like big tough
animals but are really quite vulnerable.  I wouldn't hesitate to have
kids *and* ferrets, but, as in all pet/kid situations, both require
Both of our guys are pretty cuddly (climb into my lap to snuggle and
sleep, actively pursue attention).  I would guess that part of this is
due to training techniques.  Whenever they earn a reinforcement
(linatone, treat, etc.) we hold them.  For example, we put a drop of
linatone on our hand and pet and hold and talk to them with the other
while they lick it up.  This should, in time, make petting and
attention a secondary reinforcer (which, in itself is appetitive).
Of course, this is surely not the only reason that they are snuggly,
but, probably part of it.
Bought a new humidifier last week.  I plugged it in and laughed for
the full five minutes that Sunshine tried to climb into that terrific
thing "I know that there's water in there!!".
               --()       ______           Kari Toyer
             / o)  \     /      \    _      (and Sunshine!!)
            <____   \   /        \   \\
                 \   \_/          \   \\     (402) 472-6643
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  "Ferrets have two modes:     asleep...   and in trouble!!"
[Posted in FML issue 1128]