just a note:
...amazing that 911 people/fuzzies were subscribed at the last posting.
i keep looking for the time when the subscribers will outweigh the issue
do anyone else's ferrets squeek when they drink?  only one of my ferrets
does it, Bartok, but when he drinks, he is so loud.  Every single gulp
is accentuated by a squeek.  this is the only time that he makes the
noise.  hmmm...  my other ferret, Big (not BIG :)), has an interesting
habit also.  she lifts up the edge of the water dish with the tip of her
nose then lets it go, the bowl careening to earth and in the process
spilling its contents everywhere.  i am thinking that she just prefers
to drink "flowing" water rather than the stagnant type.  at first i
thought she was agitating her dish because she did not like the place
that i had put it (she moved her litterbox to a specific place after i
moved it back to where i wanted it again and again until I learned!),
but even if i do not move it, she still makes a large mess.
...a ferret making a mess, go figure.
jon_anne (filling up the water bowl again)
Bartok (Yum...squeek squeek squeek...)
Big (Yum...tip thunk spill sip...tip thunk spill sip)
[Posted in FML issue 1127]