Unfortunately I have had only two dreams about my kids and they both were
disturbing but they also show how dear they are to me.  The first was one
in which Grover was eaten by our boa (outcome: boa sold).  The second
dream was the most disturbing.  I was in a apartment with other people
and slowly realized through questions that we were all in limbo (i.e.,
dead).  My husband was not there and I finally got some answers out of
one of the "care-takers".  Turns out that Jay and I got really sick and
died at home (woah!), then I asked about the kids (ferrets).   She
politely said that since no one was there to feed and water them that
they too died.  I was not upset that either Jay and I died this way but
became so disturbed in my dream that my dear babies dies this way that I
became histerical and woke myself up.  How's that for a disturbing
dream!!  I will probably not forget that one for the rest of my life!
Pamela Barber, Ernie, Grover, and Elmo
Flagstaff, AZ
[Posted in FML issue 1126]