A similar case happened to one of my fuzzies recently.  He was losing hair,
seemed thin, and was itching a lot.  His fur was also dry and brittle.  My
vet didn't think it was Cushing's (hyperadrenocorticism), and after
researching it, I agreed.  We put him on DermCaps liquid for about 4 weeks.
This is normally to improve coats in cats.  That seemed to have mild effect.
I bathed him in Relief brand shampoo for his itching, and finally switched
him to a much higher quality (and higher price) food formulated specifically
for ferrets (I had previously had him on commercial cat food).  He quickly
rebounded and is now in excellent condition.  Throughout this his appetite
and behavior seemed normal.  And my other ferret showed no signs at all, even
though she's in the same environment.
We never did ultrasound or blood work, so I'm not sure how comparable my case
is to yours.  I'm also not sure of normal glucose range for ferrets (Drs.
Weiss and Williams should know).  But I just wanted to give a similar case
and see if it helped.  Honestly, I'm not sure which of the three things I did
helped the most, but I suspect it was the food.  Good luck!
Chris Bern                      |  Dreams are renewable.  No matter what our
[log in to unmask]            |  age or condition, there are still untapped
                                |  possibilities within us and new beauty
North Carolina State University |  waiting to be born.
College of Veterinary Medicine  |       --Dr. Dale E. Turner
Class of '97                    |
Raleigh, NC                     |
[Posted in FML issue 1120]