All she needs is a hard hat, yessirree. Today, Lucky Charm went to work
with a 4- to 5-lb. drill. My friend, Tim, was helping me put a new sodium
light fixture on my front porch which required some drilling to anchor it
into the wall. Well, Lucky Charm decided she had another hole to drill
somewhere else, like maybe behind the sofa, where she dragged the drill
by the cord after pulling it out of its box. She then hauled the
drill, which easily weighs twice as much as she does, across the floor.
This little charmer already weighs as much as my other ferrets -- 2
pounds -- and she's all muscle. You should see her rib cage -- lots of
upper body strength. Regular little Arnold Schwarzenferret, yes, indeed.
"Hasta la vista, babeee. I'll be baack. And I'll bring the refrigerator."
                        Linda, Tim, and Lucky Charminator
[Posted in FML issue 1125]