I got Nikki about 15 months ago and she has been the best pet I could ever
have.  She is extremely friendly with every one and never bites.  Her
favorite place to sleep is at the foot of my bed between the comforter and
the sheet.  This is great because my feet always have a warm spot when I go
to bed.  The only problem I have is when I let her lose in my bedroom at
night if I have been out all day. When I'm trying to sleep, she climbs up
into bed and claws at my feet through the sheet.  As soon as I move (because
it really tickles) she attacks -- nibbling and such.  This is all good and
fun except she does this the entire night while I'm trying to get to sleep.
I don't know how to stop this.  I've tried moving the bed such that she
can't climb in, but ferrets always find a way to get where they want to go.
I still want to be able to let her out sometimes because I live alone and if
I've been gone all day I want to let her out of the cage.  HEEELLLLPPP!!!!
Pat in Costa Mesa, CA
[Posted in FML issue 1120]