hello ferret lovers,
        Thanks to everyone who sent us info on our ferrets! I have been
watching them closer since I joined this list, and I see so many
qualities that other people write about. We are just starting to use
some of the techinques from the FAQ to train them (our other techinques
weren't working too well). Anyway, we have another question- When ever
our ferrets are taking outside or into a new room their tails puff out-
kinda like when a cat gets mad and puffs out. Could this be excitment
or are they a little scared? I've never seen our ferrets scared of anything
so this would be amazing. Does this happen to anyone elses ferrets?
        We also bought some ferrettone and have been trying to use it.
Well Picabo got so excited she took two licks, then a CHUNCK out of Rob's
hand. Goober on the other hand, didn't even like it.
        Lots of ferret kisses,
        Lisa and Rob, Picabo and Goober
[Posted in FML issue 1124]