I was very sad to read about Boomerang's death.  I am glad that he is
no longer suffering, and that he at least died in a home where he knew
people loved him.  My sympathy to his new parents.
Re: ferret surfing--has anyone ever seen this?  One of Ralph's
favorite toys that he has liberated from the dogs is "the doggie
news," a latex squeaky toy in the shape of a folded up newspaper
(headline: "dog bites man").  It is about 1-1/2" wide and about about
5" long.  The other night I heard it squeaking; when I looked, I was
very surprised at what I saw.  [Background info: I have a door that
needs to be installed, leaning on its side against the living room
wall.  It makes a great ferret tunnel.]
Ralph was dragging "the doggie news" in his teeth to one end of the
door.  Then he would slide it under him, and paddle with his front
legs, as if he were laying on a surfboard.  He did this the length of
the door (tunnel), then started all over again by dragging the toy in
his teeth, then pushing it under him with his paws, and "paddling" the
length of the door while laying on the toy.  He kept going back and
forth, back and forth.  He was obviously enjoying this new game he
invented.  Not sure if I explained it well, but it was one of the
strangest things I've ever seen him do.
-- Cinderella, Norm & Ralph's mom in Mass.
Cinderella: ("Hey! who says girls get into more trouble than
boys!!!! I'm much better behaved than those two!!!")
Norm (a.k.a. Dr. Destructo)
Ralph ("Surf's up!")
[Posted in FML issue 1123]