I am constantly amazed at how smart ferrets are (especially in comparison
to my 2 dumb cats!)
Yesterday Hodge used the kitty's litter box (as opposed to his in his cage)
all on his own, before I'd even showed it to him!  I was very impressed.
To save his reputation as a trouble maker, he then had an accident on the
floor.  ;-b
He's also working on stuffing every small movable object in the room into a
space under a bedside table (his treasure collection).  I watched him try
various angles with the pooper scooper, and it didn't take him long to
figure out how to get it in there.  He's so smart!
God, I love ferrets!
To Pam Grant:  I think you had mentioned getting sound files for the Web
page on ferrets?  Well, I have a couple of sounds of Hodge.  One is him
chattering in glee (b/c my fiance was gently biting him on the neck - Hodge
loves it).  Another sound is a really weird whistly-hissing-odd noise.  I
still haven't decided what it means.  He doesn't seem to be annoyed all the
times he does it.  But he used this sound to comment ALOT when he had
gotten ahold of a nasty strawberry candy and my fiance was trying to take
it away from him (hey, even WE won't eat these nasty candies, so why should
the ferret? Even though he seems positive he'd love them, if he could only
be left alone to get the wrapper off!)
Anyway.  If you are interested, it would be easy to send you the files.
They're done in SoundEdit 16, but I could make them into double-click
CA & DA (the humans), Eudora & Graham (dumb and dumber cats) and HodgePodge
the Amazing-O Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 1123]