I'm a member of the animal rights mailing lists (ar-news and
ar-talk) and recieved a posting yesterday entitled "Can Agway
Weasel Out". This article was distributed by AmNet and was
regarding the ferret deaths at Pathvalley Farms caused by the
feeding of an Agway food to their ferrets (involving a deadly
inverted calcium phosporous ratio of their feed).  This article
was a heartbreaker to say the least.
In response to the article, an uninformed member of the mailing
list sent out his thoughts along the line of "ferrets are wild
animals and shouldn't be kept as pets in captivity, which is just
as much as a crime as Agway's" (I'm paraphrasing here).  This
message went out to a huge number of people!
I know that Bill is away and I'm not sure of the "legality"
involved in posting either of those articles to this list, but if
anyone would like more info on the articles or would like
instructions on joining either of the lists, please e-mail me.
[Posted in FML issue 1150]