Howdy out there!
I've been reading and trying to make some mental notes of stuff to mention in
this posting - let's see how much I can remember!! Senility seems to kinda come
and go for me!!
Anyways, from what I've heard so far - I think I may get a Bumble Ball - I've
seen the advertisements on TV and thought maybe my little fuzzikins would get a
kick out of it! I have one of those balls that roll erratically around the
room but my gang gets bored of it really quickly! Maybe I'll see if my friend's
ferret, Felicia, would be more interested in it, instead of it collecting dust
in the closet!
As for two ferrets being more work than one, well, I think it kinda balances
itself out in the long run. Sure, there's more poop in the litterbox, as well
as the vet stuff and sometimes the little buggers co-operate to drive you
crazy - BUT they also keep each other company. When I got my first ferret,
Gushi (named for a character also from Quantum Leap - Scott Bakula's a babe
and I thought of naming him Bakula but it sounded too much like Dracula and I
wasn't big on the name Sam), I found I was feeling guilty sometimes cuz I did
have other things to do and I couldn't always keep him entertained. So that's
when I decided to get a second baby, Nik. Gushi spent the first little while
using Nik as a chew toy and dragging him under the couch (three month age
difference) - but it was so wonderful to see them fall asleep together for the
first time and they've been good buddies ever since.
I have actually four ferrets altogether, the other two being Buster and my
foundling, Geisha. Now Gushi and sometimes Nik (the boss of the household who
was *insanely* jealous when I brought this little chickie home) play too rough
with her, but she and Buster are like boyfriend and girlfriend. She follows him
 around and vice versa, they play nice together and Geisha often what Buster
does, she tries to do. Buster seems to know that she's smaller (though fatter!)
 than him and lets (?) her win when they play & wrestle. There's definite
difference in the way he plays with her versus how he plays with the other boys
 - it's just so cute!
Vaccuums - hmmmmmmm . . . both Nik and Geisha try to triumph over the Roaring
Rug Monster and attack the head of the vaccuum; Gushi tries to attack it from
behind and until very recently, Buster would run for the hills, usually taking
refuge underneath the couch - until of course, I started to run the Monster
underneath there - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! IT'S AFTER ME!!!!!!!! Buster is slowly
becoming less of a wimp - maybe he doesn't want to look bad in front of his
"girlfriend", afterall she boldly attacks the Monster! I don't let them stick
their heads in the hose - I'd be afraid of collapsing a little lung - am I a
paranoid mommy and the vaccuum isn't strong enough to do that or is it
All of my fuzzies LOVE the taste of soap and are more than helpful in licking
all that nasty stuff off of my legs, toes fingers if given a chance! Just don't
 fall in the shower - AAAAAAAAACK! THE WET STUFF'S ATTACKING ME!!!!!!!!
About male ferret's being less troublemakers then females - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
 Sorry, but my Nik is the ultimate sh*t-disturber with both Gushi and Buster
bringing in a close tie for second. Geisha is an angel in comparison - though I
 think it's just because she's too short and pudgy to jump up and get into
most stuff - maybe she's been giving the boys ideas though . . .
Anyways, this is mighty long! Sorry! Happy ferret dancing to all!
George and her Furry-ous Foursome!
[Posted in FML issue 1118]