Has anyone else noticed a subtle change in the face of the FML over the past
few months?  It just feels---different.  Not better or worse, just different.
Maybe it's just me...
[Moderator's note: well, there are lots more subscribers for one thing.  And
probably more of a turnover.  Every day there are about a dozen changes to the
FML subscriber list.  BIG]
Anyhew, I have a question for our esteemed vets, and a request:
the Question:  My ferrets (four) occasionally have greenish runny/soft stools.
  None of them show a difference in energy, weight or eating habits, but
these stools show up occasionally, two or three times a month.  Davey did
have a fight with a viral problem last year (which did not follow the Green
D. Disease, BTW), and these stools  started showing up then.  Davey seems to
be the worst one for these stools, as far as we can tell.  What I want to
know is because they come and go, and no other problems seem evident, is this
cause for worry?
the Request:
I am Desperately Seeking Someone in 'central' Indiana who has and/or loves fer
rets and would like to start an *informal* group/club/gathering.  I have the
ferret contact name from the ferret database (thank you to the compilers of
that info), and will contact them.  But I am looking for others, too.
Thanks in advance,
Kelly & Michael, the Ferret Fuzzies and Feline Furries
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[Posted in FML issue 1118]